并发知识梳理:5.Atomic 原子类,LockSupport支持类



  1. 基础类型:AtomicBoolean,AtomicInteger,AtomicLong,AtomicReference之类的。
  2. 数组类型:AtomicIntegerArray,AtomicLongArray,AtomicReferenceArray之类的。
  3. 成员变成之类的:AtomicIntegerFiledUpdate等


private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
private static final long valueOffset;

static {
      try {
         valueOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset
      } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); }

private volatile int value;


public final boolean get() {
     return value != 0;

public final boolean compareAndSet(boolean expect, boolean update) {
    int e = expect ? 1 : 0;
    int u = update ? 1 : 0;
    return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, e, u);

实现的原理就是,通过Unsafe,拿到Volatile修饰的成员变量value的内存地址,然后通过Unsafe的 compareAndSet方法来设置value的值。


AtomicIntegerArray 的实现的源码,也是操作内存地址,但是因为是数组,所以有了些许的变化:


private static final int base = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(int[].class);
 private static final int shift;
 private final int[] array;

 static {
  int scale = unsafe.arrayIndexScale(int[].class);
  if ((scale & (scale - 1)) != 0)
   throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two");
  shift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(scale);

 private long checkedByteOffset(int i) {
  if (i < 0 || i >= array.length)
   throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index " + i);

  return byteOffset(i);

 private static long byteOffset(int i) {
  return ((long) i << shift) + base;


public final boolean compareAndSet(int i, int expect, int update) {
  return compareAndSetRaw(checkedByteOffset(i), expect, update);

 private boolean compareAndSetRaw(long offset, int expect, int update) {
  return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(array, offset, expect, update);

checkedByteOffset 就是根据i,确实能够array[i] 对应的内存地址: ((long) i << shift) + base 其中shift 为 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(unsafe.arrayIndexScale(int[].class)) 就看计算公式,就让我们想起来数组的基础地址 + i* 每一个元素所占的步长的算法。


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