How to program when you don’t feel like it 不想干的时候怎么办?
I recently well and truly “hit the wall” when it came to coding. Every time I sat down to code, I felt stuck, like I wasn’t making any progress at all. I was tired, de-motivated and dealing with headaches. 我很累,没有动力去处理头痛问题。 Any will to code I had previously had seemed completely gone and when I finally got around to programming I only did the bare minimum.最低限度。
Here I was on day 52 of my 100 days of code and I didn’t want to break my streak, but there was nothing but frustration every time I sat down to program. After a few days of this, I decided it wasn’t a sustainable solution, it was costing me more than than I was gaining. Something had to change. Here are some things that helped get me back on track.
If you find yourself completely and utterly stuck on whatever you’re working with, don’t try to force it. You’re more likely to produce a mess that you will dread having to work with next time and you end up in a self reinforcing loop of shitty days.
Maybe you’ve been putting off this cool tutorial or there’s a few easy challenges on websites such as hackerrank, codewars or kattis that you can do. It doesn’t really matter what you do, but it needs to be easy and quick. It will boost your confidence in your programming skills and give you some much needed wins. 它将增强您对编程技巧的信心,并为您提供一些急需的胜利。
You can also go back to the documentation or see if you can find some tutorials on your problem. Sometimes you need to go back to basic and maybe do a few exercises on the concepts involved in your project. 回头查看教程或者基础的内容
Stay here until you feel comfortable cracking on with the thing that was causing you trouble. If you find yourself easily distracted, try using the pomodoro technique. It’s basically 25 min of focused work and a 5 minute break you repeat until you have reached your goal . 可以尝试番茄工作法
The most important thing is progress, especially if it is for something like 100DaysOfCode, but just learning in general. Not every day is going to be equally good, but you decide how bad a bad day is. So on bad days, stick to small achievable goals. Gain that confidence and motivation back. 重要的是保持confidence和motivation
It took me a few days of solving progressively more difficult problems in the programming language I know best, before I felt like going back to my project. It took me 15 minutes to find and fix something that had caused me trouble for 3 days. 😅
Hope some of these tips were helpful. Feel free to reach out on Twitter or comment with feedback, it’s much appreciated. Thank you for reading ❤️
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